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Turkey’s aviation engine revolution: TF6000 reaches the finish line!

Ana sayfa / News

Turkish Aerospace Industries’ (TUSAŞ) subsidiary, Turkey Engine Industries Inc. (TEI), has reached a significant milestone in aviation engine technology. TEI General Manager Prof. Dr. Mahmut Faruk Akşit recently stated that the TEI-TF6000 engine has reached its final stages and is in the process of preparing for serial production.

The TF6000 is a high-performance turbofan engine planned to be used in both civil and military aviation projects. It stands out in the global market with features such as advanced blisk technology, single-crystal turbine blades, and low specific fuel consumption.

The engine has a dry thrust capacity of 6,000 lbf. Localization and national capabilities were prioritized in its design. Furthermore, the development of the TF6000 is critically important in demonstrating Turkey’s innovation capacity and technological independence in the aviation industry.

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Following the TF6000, TEI continues its work on the more powerful TF10000 engine. This engine, offering higher thrust power and performance, will be used in light combat aircraft like Hürjet and unmanned aerial vehicles like Kızılelma.

The development of the TF10000 will undoubtedly further enhance Turkey’s air power and expand its capabilities in the defense industry. Additionally, an even more advanced version of the engine is planned to be developed for the National Combat Aircraft (MMU) between 2028-2030.

The approaching completion of the TF6000 engine and the planned engine development work for the TF10000 and MMU indicate that Turkey is making confident strides towards its goals of independence in defense and aviation. It can be said that these projects are not only technological successes but will also play a critical role in Turkey’s future defense strategies.

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